Café Realty Joins McGrath Realty Inc to Expand Service and Maximize Talent

Cafe Realty teams up with the Hudson Valley’s most prominent commercial, land development and luxury brokerage, McGrath Realty Inc. After 8 years in business the community focused Cafe Realty will use their strengths, talents and skills to become the new face of McGrath Realty Inc’s residential services. Café Realty will take the new name The Café Residential…

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2021 A Year to Look Up and Move Forward

Yes, we have had some traumatic experiences getting through 2020…is 2021 your year to make a move? The real estate industry and technology is moving faster than ever before, 5 years worth in the last 6-12 months! Here is a bite from Inman Connect Now, (a series of fully digital events that bring together the…

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2020 A Year of Refection

2020 has not been kind but there were lessons learned. We were hurled into covid lockdown in mid March and life was very different from that point forward. A new normal, the next normal, it was not so normal. We learned how to wrap our arms around the world and appreciate life. We learned many…

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Is it a good time to SELL? to BUY?

Is it a good time?

We had momentum going into 2020 and it was like a rushing river about to overflow its banks! The virus has interrupted this flow…but only temporarily. So is it a good time to sell? Is it a good time to buy?  The short answer is, it is always a good time if you are ready.…

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Cafe Realty Action Plan (CRAP Happens): Your Actions

Self Reliance

Yes, CRAP is happening right now. The Cafe Realty Action Plan is for shifting, pivoting and finding the new normal. Business practices will be different as we have now learned how to work remotely. The efficiency of it will improve as we understand the why of work and the how of time management. Technology is…

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