Break Biases Together

This song was born from a course that I took called Bias and The Brain. I prompted Chat GPT with all the terms and language to use and asked for it in rap style. Let’s break biases together.


Yo, let me lay it down, check the facts, let’s rap, ‘Bout the biases we got, they ain’t no mishap. Explicit, implicit, we got both in the mix, Let me break it down for y’all, gettin’ it fixed.

Explicit bias, it’s straight-up in your face, No hiding, no disguise, it’s out of place. When you discriminate, based on race or creed, That’s the prejudice talkin’, that’s the seed.

Racism, ageism, all forms of hate, Name bias, conformity, don’t underestimate. When you judge someone just ’cause they ain’t like you, That’s discrimination, yo, that ain’t true.

Bias in the air, bias everywhere, Explicit, implicit, it’s time we’re aware. From racism to height, and everything in between, Let’s break these biases, let’s intervene.

Implicit bias, it’s sneaky, it’s sly, Creepin’ in the shadows, can’t deny. Attribution, confirmation, they lead us astray, Makin’ snap judgments, day by day.

Affinity bias, stickin’ with your crowd, Availability bias, makin’ judgments too loud. Beauty bias, height bias, it’s all around, Anchor bias, nonverbal, let’s break it down.

Authority bias, followin’ the lead, Overconfidence bias, plantin’ a seed. Halo effect, Horns effect, they shape our view, But we gotta see beyond, we gotta renew.

Bias in the air, bias everywhere, Explicit, implicit, it’s time we’re aware. From racism to height, and everything in between, Let’s break these biases, let’s intervene.

It’s time to break the cycle, time to see clear, Let’s combat these biases, let’s end the fear. It starts with awareness, it starts with you and me, Let’s build a world where all can be free.

So, listen up, y’all, this ain’t just a rhyme, It’s a call to action, it’s our time to shine. Let’s dismantle biases, let’s make a stand, ‘Cause together, united, we can change this land.


Elisa Bruno-Midili is a local guide, resource, small business advocate and great real estate agent. A Westchester resident for about 45 years she grew up in the Bronx in the 60s and attended school in the 70s. Elisa always considered herself an artist expressing herself through design, photography, graphics and now as a curator of content.