Spring has almost sprung…Westchester Real Estate


Please pay attention…real estate is alive and well!

It’s that time of year where countless home buyers venture out to open houses armed with zestimates and waving their diligently obtained online pre-approvals. They are the slow drivers looking for balloons and signs with arrows that will lead them to their dream home. Please pay attention they may disrupt the flow of traffic as they double park in front of,  while gazing at the hottest, must have new listing on the market.

Yes! spring is almost here and depending on your area of the country,  including your area of the country it has not been an easy one. One thing of note, I lost power not even once and I missed making coffee on the BBQ in 12 degree weather, searching for lanterns and flashlights with only the light of my cell phone. Goodbye winter, hello almost spring.

The real estate market in Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Bronx counties is gaining momentum with the perfect storm…very low interest rates and stable values resulting in a low home cost. And really that what it is all about…low cost. If you are looking to sell, buy, invest or lease…residential or commercial real estate the Café Realty team is ready to educate, advocate and represent you. Ask about our NEW services packages, a relief from the winter doldrums.

We love this time of year and we are excited to serve you and all your real estate needs!

A resource for real estate and beyond…

VISIT www.caferealtyny.com
CALL 914.302.7792

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