Your Realtor as Your Wingman

wing·man ˈwiNGˌman,ˈwiNGmən/ noun –  a person who helps, guides or supports another…   My first blog of the new year is dedicated to all the hardworking, dedicated, fulltime Realtors who are truly concerned about people and always put their clients best interest above all else! Raise the bar and shine! New York State has about 52,000…

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Of Competence and Real Estate…Creating a Brew

My experience as a Realtor, negotiator, marketer, maximizer, researcher, communicator, advocate, educator has taken me from salesperson to Co-owner/Co-Founder of Café Realty. A 27 year journey through many moments of innovation, creativity and discovery. A journey through relationships, experiences, business, and psychology. I have studied the psychology of real estate as well as the practical…

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