'Twas the night before a Cafe Realty Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and wouldn’t you know, Cafe Realty is working right out in the snow! We educate, advocate, innovate for you because you are special, that’s what we do. We’re Realtors, we’re people and we’re here to stay, we list and we sell all night and all day. Mount Kisco’s our home…

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A T.E.A.M. For All Seasons

When I was young the meaning of a team was sports related like baseball, basketball or football teams competing against one another. As I matured I began to develop a keener sense of life and began to see the competition and the drive these teams had to win! I was a cheerleader (little known fact)…

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Your Realtor as Your Wingman

wing·man ˈwiNGˌman,ˈwiNGmən/ noun –  a person who helps, guides or supports another…   My first blog of the new year is dedicated to all the hardworking, dedicated, fulltime Realtors who are truly concerned about people and always put their clients best interest above all else! Raise the bar and shine! New York State has about 52,000…

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Cafe Realty: An Original Hudson Valley Company

October 19, 2016 was the day…Our family, friends, clients and colleagues were the audience…Great conversation, delicious food, and beverages were offered for the tasting! THANK YOU for joining us as we celebrated the Grand Opening of our NEW Mount Kisco location and our 3rd year in business. The partners: Carol Christiansen, Elisa Bruno-Midili, Walter Sadowski and…

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