North Winds Lavender Farm, LLC - Resources – Select Category

North Winds Lavender Farm, LLC

Work 20 Charles Colman Blvd Pawling NY 12564 Work Phone: (845) 855-5347 Website: North Winds Lavender Farm


Photo of North Winds Lavender Farm, LLC

North Winds Farm is family owned, established in 2005 and is currently growing lavender varieties hardy to zone 5 and lower.   Their plan is to grow additional varieties every year, grow less hardy varieties in their greenhouse and introduce additional products to their current inventory.

North Winds Lavender Farm product line includes: dried bunches of lavender, wands, indoor and outdoor lavender, sachets, dream pillows, eye pillows, microwavable aromatherapy pillows, handmade soap, lavender oil, lavender buds (both craft and culinary) hand rubbed beeswax and lavender taper candles,  travel candles, and hand painted art work. They have added culinary products using their natural grown culinary lavender. They sell lavender jelly, lavender syrup, lavender shortbread cookies and lavender scones.