Cafe Realty Broker/Owner Carol Christiansen Named 2014 Realtor of the Year…Real Estate Brokerage News!

The Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, a 9000+ member board has selected Carol Christiansen as their 2014 Realtor of the Year. The selection process is a vote by the membership and is solely peer based. This prestigious award was bestowed on Ms. Christiansen for outstanding contributions to the association. Her endless support for her fellow…

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Real Estate Past

Originally written on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:54 PM Remember real estate without Facebook, Zillow and Trulia…no Linkedin YouTube or Twitter? How did we recognize, promote and make our news known to the public? How did we engage? It wasn’t quite so immediate…gratification was not so instant. There was a waiting period for the announcement…

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Cafe Realty Appreciates You!

April 30, 2014 marked the first Café Realty appreciation get together. Because our clients are of utmost importance, we strive as seasoned professionals to raise industry standards as we serve the public. The ability to personalize and customize our services for every type, size and style of property is the cornerstone of our freshly brewed approach. The dedication we attribute…

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big box…little box

is that what we  are reduced to??? you are either a big box corporate real estate company or you are a small independent firm. big box says I’m bigger, faster, stronger…I have more, better, longer, stronger little box says follow me I’m creative, free, innovative, unencumbered…I’m fascinating, compelling, attractive So much has been said about the…

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A true team approach is advantageous to clients in addressing their needs with a specialized approach to real estate brokerage.  Objectives are met through a division of tasks according to the strengths/talents of the agents.  Each member is uniquely talented/specialized/passionate  in their role brought to light through prior consultation and assessments. The real estate transaction…

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